About US

  • Simply SRED is uniquely qualified to handle your SR&ED "Scientific Research and Experimental Development" claim. 
  • We are proud of our 100% success rate. Simply SRED and its team of scientists and engineers are dedicated to assisting our clients to maximize their technology oriented government refunds.    
  • There is no financial risk.  If you do not receive a refund, then our services cost you nothing. Simply SRED is conveniently located in Thornhill.     
  • For your convenience, consultations are always arranged at your location, so you don`t have to worry about travel, or interrupting your normal business activities. We handle many claims remotely, so don`t worry if you`re far outside the GTA. We`ll accommodate you.
  • With a team of scientists on staff, Simply SRED is clearly focused and specialized in the SR&ED program. However, we offer assistance with access to other forms of government funding and grants.
  • We are careful to get your complete strategy right when accessing government funding on different levels. Simply SRED is uniquely qualified to develop the right strategy to maximize government assistance.